Local organizations like SAY Detroit are vital to the community, helping Detroit families. Since its inception, SAY has brought together countless volunteers in the name of supporting Detroiters — from kids to senior citizens and veterans.
In partnership with this impactful organization, the Detroit Tigers’ Caravan tour stopped at the SAY Detroit Play Center, an after-school facility for students striving for academic success. There, Tigers pitcher Matthew Boyd and second baseman Jonathan Schoop joined students to record a modern take on the 1908 classic “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.”
The students are part of Notes to Notes, a non-profit organization that designs, equips and staffs after-school recording studios inside Boys and Girls Clubs. The organization offers kids the chance to explore, create and record music with access to equipment and resources, and educates kids on careers in the music industry.
Ilitch Companies has partnered with SAY Detroit since its formation in 2006 to help Detroiters in need. The Detroit Tigers Foundation, an affiliate of Ilitch Charities, helped refurbish the outdoor baseball field at the SAY Detroit Play Center. The field was dedicated in honor of the Honorable Judge Damon J. Keith, a native Detroiter and civil rights icon, who passed away in 2019 at age 96.
Learn more at SAYDetroit.org and NotesForNotes.org.